RACE DAY is the FUN PART and the reason why we're all doing this neat stuff. Race day is where everything pulls together. This is the process:
First, the preliminaries:
- Have the car completed at home so it's ready to race when you arrive;
- Before you arrive have your car number and sponsor name neatly and legibly attached to the car so they can be read by the announcer and spectators;
- Report to the track at the assigned time (time given to you at inspection);
- Pick up your t-shirt at the table near the parking lot;
- Pictures taken, drivers in their new t-shirt with their cars (pictures will be available for pick up on awards night);
- While in line for pictures, the car will receive a final inspection;
- After all the driver pictures in your age class are taken, the pits will be open.
Second and finally, the FUN stuff:
- Crew prepares the car for competition (bring your toolbox; two sawhorses are helpful, too);
- A meeting is held for drivers & crews: Safety instructions, procedures for the day, last minute announcements, awards night reminders, etc.;
- Track opens for practice, then:
The above points are just the highlights. The "OFFICIAL DRIVER AND EVENT RULES" document lists all the detailed information you should be familiar with before you arrive at the track on race day.
As always, if you have any questions at all about the New Berlin Soap Box Derby (general or specific), please contact a member through the website.