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Do you have any suggestions to improve the braking distance of the soap box derby car?

A couple suggestions:

  • The handle length should be longer than the length of the brake arm.
  • Mount the axle bracket as suggested.
These suggestions do not guarantee that the car will stop in a shorter distance but should help. There are many factors that affect the stopping distance.  Please see the car specifications for offical requirements.

What is the suggested method on how to mount the axle bracket to the 2 x 4 axle?

It is suggested that the axle bracket be mounted as pictured below.

Axle Bracket 20150808

Can you show me how the steering should look?

Please remember that this information is general guidance and all parts of the car must meet the published car specifications.

There seems to be some confusion when it comes to the steering and the drawing in the car specifications. Some people have looked at the drawing and tried to copy it. Unfortunately, the drawing in the specifications is an "exploded" view. This means that it is expanded and not how it should actually look.

The picture below shows an example of how it should look.

steering large


Please note a few things:

  • Each wrap of the cable is tight with the next one.
  • The cable is wrapped so that it is coming out from the bottom of the steering column.
  • The cable basically comes straight out to the sides. (The projection of the drawing in the specifications makes it look like each side is coming out at a different angle. DO NOT MAKE THEM COME OUT AT DIFFERENT ANGLES.)

How should the steering cable be attached to the axle?

Please remember that this information is general guidance and all parts of the car must meet the published car specifications.

Below is a picture that shows one way that the steering cable can be attached to the axle.

turnbuckle large

Steering cable attached to axle

Please note the following from the picture:

  • The eye bolt is through bolted.  This one goes from the front to the back, but it could go through the top and bottom just as well.
  • The turnbuckle is not the smallest available.  Consider purchasing a size that gives you enough length to tighten the steering.
  • There is nylon ties attached to the turnbuckle to prevent it from loosening while racing.  Tape also works.

How should the brake be made?

Please remember that this information is general guidance and all parts of the car must meet the published car specifications.

The brake can be made and attached to the car in many ways.  The information presented here shows the most common set-up used.

The brake is usually made of copper pipe and soldered together.  Please see the picture of the brake assembly that is sold by the commission.

brake assembly

Brake assembly

The next picture shows the assembly installed on car with a brake pad and retaining clip.  Please note that all bolts are through bolted.

brake large

Brake assembly installed.

What does the Commission supply for the race car?

The Commission supplies...

  • the wheels,
  • wheel brackets (axles) and
  • steering wheel.
The wheels and wheel brackets are selected by the driver after the car passes inspection and must be returned on race day.

The steering wheel is the driver's to keep.

wheel bracket steering

Wheels, wheel brackets and steering wheel.