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What Happens at Car Inspections?

The scheduled (mandatory) car inspections are where the drivers and their crews complete the registration process and have their cars inspected before race day. There are 4 STATIONS to go through. This is the process:

If you are bringing your own car (or one borrowed from someone besides the commission) you may skip station 1 and go directly to station 2.

STATION 1 (Loaner Cars) if you need to select a commission-supplied loaner car OR if you are returning with a commission-supplied loaner car borrowed last year or any prior year:

  • Select a loaner car (first-come, first-pick; only a limited number are available) or keep the car you have
  • Fill out and sign a receipt
  • Commission-supplied loaner cars need to be inspected and may need work in order to pass
  • Proceed to station 2

STATION 2 (Paperwork)

  • Complete the driver registration form & waiver form (if not pre-registered)
  • Pay the registration fee (if not already paid)
  • Randomly draw for a car sponsor
  • Select a car number (if not carried over from last year)
  • Age class will be assigned
  • You’ll be advised of the time to report on race day
  • Final instructions will be given & ways to thank your car sponsor
  • Select driver’s t-shirt size (your t-shirts will be handed out on race day)
  • Crews may order additional t-shirts (there will be a charge)
  • Proceed to station 3

STATION 3 (Car inspection)

  • Car is inspected for compliance with the “OFFICIAL RACECAR SPECIFICATIONS”
  • Assistance will be given as needed
  • Inspector will advise if minor work on the car is needed or if re-inspection is needed
  • After the car passes inspection (or passes on an interim basis), then (and ONLY then)
  • Proceed to station 4

STATION 4 (Wheels & brackets)

  • Wheels and axle brackets may be selected
  • Bring your own bucket or box for carrying wheels & brackets home

As noted in PART II of the “OFFICIAL RACECAR SPECIFICATIONS,” if the car passes (or passes on an interim basis), you only need to come to ONE car inspection. If the car doesn’t pass, you will need come back for re-inspection a 2nd time (or maybe a 3rd time) until it passes. That’s one of the reasons why we schedule three inspection dates. So, a word of advice: If you are building a new car and are unsure about it passing and/or meeting specification, we strongly suggest bringing it to the 1st inspection. That way, if there’s more work to be done on the car, there’s time to do it before the 2nd or 3rd inspection. The cars will also receive one final inspection on race day before being allowed to compete.

As always, if you have any questions at all about the New Berlin Soap Box Derby (general or specific), please contact a member through the website or by phone.

Can I Borrow a Soap Box Derby Car?

The New Berlin Soap Box Derby (NBSBD) Commission accepts unwanted race cars from people who don't need them. The NBSBD Commission loans these cars to any driver requesting one in order to expand the racing experience to the greatest number of children possible. This policy enables numerous drivers to participate who otherwise could not do so.

The cars are made available on a first come-first served basis starting at the first car inspection each year.

Where is the Stan Smith Memorial Racetrack located?

The Stan Smith Memorial Racetrack is located on the west side of Valley View Park in New Berlin. Entrance to the park is at 5100 S. Small Rd., approx. one block south of the corner of Beloit Rd. and Small Rd.

Track from Top

View of Race Track from Starting Ramps

What Happens on Race Day?

RACE DAY is the FUN PART and the reason why we're all doing this neat stuff. Race day is where everything pulls together. This is the process:

First, the preliminaries:

  • Have the car completed at home so it's ready to race when you arrive;
  • Before you arrive have your car number and sponsor name neatly and legibly attached to the car so they can be read by the announcer and spectators;
  • Report to the track at the assigned time (time given to you at inspection);
  • Pick up your t-shirt at the table near the parking lot;
  • Pictures taken, drivers in their new t-shirt with their cars (pictures will be available for pick up on awards night);
  • While in line for pictures, the car will receive a final inspection;
  • After all the driver pictures in your age class are taken, the pits will be open.


Second and finally, the FUN stuff:

  • Crew prepares the car for competition (bring your toolbox; two sawhorses are helpful, too);
  • A meeting is held for drivers & crews: Safety instructions, procedures for the day, last minute announcements, awards night reminders, etc.;
  • Track opens for practice, then:

The above points are just the highlights. The "OFFICIAL DRIVER AND EVENT RULES" document lists all the detailed information you should be familiar with before you arrive at the track on race day.

As always, if you have any questions at all about the New Berlin Soap Box Derby (general or specific), please contact a member through the website.

Can my kids race in the event if we don't live in New Berlin?

Yes, they can! And we have an easy way to do that:

Dad and/or mom (or legal guardian) who join the New Berlin Soap Box Derby Commission and be a member "in good standing" (as determined by the Commission Chairman) by the June membership meeting will allow their child or dependent to be eligible to race or enter the queen contest in the same year.

For example, let's say you join the Commission at our June meeting.  To achieve your "good standing," you would...

  • attend as many monthly meetings as possible,
  • help on race weekend,
  •  help at awards night,
  • participate in other fund raising events or open houses through the year,
  • join a sub-committee,
  • etc.

Commission meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except December), 7:30 PM, at the New Berlin VFW Post #5716, 17980 W. Beloit Rd.

We look forward to meeting you and having you join the group.  Your kids will thank you for it!